Recordings-Book Readings on the Etiquettes and Virtues of the Qur'an


It has been our tradition to read a book, pertaining to the blessed Qur'an, as part of our Ramadhan preparation. On this page, you will be able to see which book readings have been completed and, also, go to registration to purchase access to the recordings. These are only available for sisters. 

The books are available for purchase widely and soft copies can also be attained online.

Akhlaaq Hamalat Al Qur'an:

This is one of the smaller texts related to the etiquettes of the students of the Qur'an and also the Qur'an its noble self. Written by Imam Abu Bakr Al Aajurri (rahimahuAllah) (d~360AH), this book has been a staple reading amongst many students of the Qur'an. This book has been provided within ~25 small recordings, originally sent through WhatsApp, in the year 2022.

Fees: £3


At Tibyaan Fee Aadaab Hamalat Al Qur'an:

A masterpiece of a work by the blessed Imam Al Nawawi (rahimahuAllah) (d~676AH). This book is an epitome of love for the book of Allah. It is mildly more comprehensive and looks at the virtues and etiquettes of the Qur'an from many different angles. It proves to be an indispensable resource for students of the Qur'an Al Kareem, especially when motivation dwindles. This book was provided through small recordings on WhatsApp in the year 2023. The total number of recordings are approximately 95.

Fees: £5


Fadhaail Al Qur'an (Virtues of the Qur'an)- Imam Abu 'Ubaid Al Qaasim Ibn Sallaam Al Harawi (d224AH)

One of the earliest texts in the genre of books written in dedication to the Noble Qur'an. Written by a mountain of classical knowledge, the great Imam Ibn Sallaam Al Harawi, this book encompasses dozens of chapters pertaining to the Qur'an Kareem. For the student and lover of the Qur'an reading and listening to such texts brings around a renewed fervour for the book of Allah, inshaa Allah.

Fees: £5


Recorded courses require fees for protection and seriousness of seekership. If you need any assistance, do get in touch inshaa Allah.

Registration: Please visit the registration page.

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