Practical Courses in Tajweed (Primarily) for Sisters
Assalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah,
In order to project further benefit to the women of our ummah, I have started a venture to provide a short talk, every week, inshaa Allah, based upon a book of one of our pious elders.
The first book in this series was "Living as a Muslim- Hayat Al Muslimeen" of Maulana Ashraf 'Ali Thanwi (RahimahuAllah), which concluded by Allah's grace in November 2020. The circle will be online, inshaa Allah, and last approximately 30-45 minutes by the will of Allah. Please read below for more information:
As this is a lecture, interaction is not greatly needed. As such, sisters may choose to listen whilst doing other household tasks, however, please be advised that this is not the best of etiquettes. Yet, to receive the benefit it can definitely be done inshaa Allah.
We will continue into the month of Ramadhan inshaa Allah (albeit with altered timings), hoping it will be a source of amplification for rewards and from Allah is all tawfeeq.
Requesting a supplication of mercy,
Your sister in deen.
14:15 British Summer Time (this time will be used for the duration of Ramadhan, inshaa Allah).
CURRENT BOOK- Kitaab al Zuhd war Raqaaiq- Softening the Heart (Imam 'Abdullah Bin Al Mubaarak, rahimahuAllah- translated by Ustaadhah Aisha Bewley)
Completed books by Allah's grace:
1) Hayat Al Muslimeen- Living as a Muslim (Maulana Ashraf 'Ali Thanwi, rahimahuAllah).
2) Tanbeeh Al Mughtarreen- Admonition for the Neglectful (Imam Al Sha'rani, rahimahuAllah).
3) Bustaan Al Aarifeen- The Garden of the Gnostics (Imam Al Nawawi, rahimahuAllah).
4) Tanbeeh Al Ghaafileen- Admonition for the Neglectful (Imam Abu Layth As Samarqandi, rahimahuAllah)